Friday, January 19, 2007

Christmas Tree Adventure

These are the Pics from our 2006 Christmas Tree Adventure. We went to the tree farm that is here in Charleston. We took Daddy's truck and went looking for the best tree anyone had ever seen. When we got there there were so many tree's to see. We got in our wagon and Daddy pulled us around to check out the trees. There were these two puppies that kept destracting us from what was our purpose for being at this farm. To look for a tree. We finally found the most perfect tree, Momma said it was straight and looked the best for us. We raised our pole to the man in charge and he came with his saw and cut it down for us. But he did take this wonderful family portrait by our tall tree. We were excited to go home then. When the man got the tree up to the truck he put it on a shaker to get all of the dead needles out. He looked at Daddy and said that the tree that we had found was so crooked that the trunk was S shaped. If we wanted another tree we could go find one and have it for the same price. We had looked so long for this one we took it any way. We got to pick candy canes from one of the live trees. Momma took pics of us eating them on the way home. What fun we had finding the perfect tree. It was so perfect that we had to anchor it to the wall so that it would at least appear to be straight. But that is the fun of going and picking out a tree that GOD designed just for this purpase. For us to take a day as a family to find the one that fits our home, take it home, and cover it with pretty lights and ornaments. It would be no fun having an artificial tree. Where is the adventure in that.

1 comment:

made2mama said...

The kids look so cute, It's amazing how much Jackson favors Chris & Savannah favors Mandy! Looks like everyone had fun!