Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Baby Weston

We had an ultrasound yesterday to see how big Weston was getting. He is now 5lbs 12oz and has about 4 weeks to go. The rate at which he is growing will put him at 8lbs or better, just like brother and sister. He had plenty of hair and chubby cheeks just like his daddy:) He was doing some exercises with his breathing and had the hiccups. At one point he opened his eyes. He looked so cute and precious, I was was ready to hug and squeeze him right there. My due date changed from the 15Th of February to the 12Th. We shall see!!!


made2mama said...

Oh my goodness! How precious. We can't wait to see baby Weston. Love your new look!

Jenny said...

How sweet!!! Can't wait to see pics of Baby Weston!